Foreign and domestic news
U.S. warplanes bomb palm fields in Baghdad June 17 as a Humvee blocks the highway. The next day, 10,000 U.S. troops launched a major offensive in nearby Baquba.
All accounts of gallantry, pleasure, and entertainment, shall be under the article of
Café Flore, Paris; poetry, under that of Fishawi, Jeddah or Cairo; learning under the title of the Shati Tea-and-Falafel-shop, Gaza; foreign and domestic news, you will have from
McNamara Ground Ops Lunchroom, Detroit; and what else I shall on any other subject offer, shall be dated from my own apartment.
Les avions Air France commencent a partir plein d'etudiants americains allant en Europe pour leurs tournés. Ils devraient aller a Atlanta pour le "US Social Forum" du 27 juin au 1ier juillet.
How we were duped by the Bush_Olmert press conference! With Olmert's tears about the split between Hamas and Fatah, and his interest in "renewing the aid"--something I'm sure, just as Abbas is sure, he will never do--WE WERE DUPED INTO OVERLOOKING THE LARGEST TROOP ATTACK IN IRAQ SINCE THE 2003 INVASION.
Agence France Press photo of Troops in Baquba which I found on Al-Jazeera English on line.
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