
Café de Flore, Paris: La France toujours! et Vive Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Freidan, et Hoda Sha'rawi

Link to me thinking about a book I should write. This takes a little time to download. Lien à moi pensant à un livre que je devrais écrire. اتصال(ياخذ قليم من الوقت) وانا افكر عن كتاب ضروري ان اكتبه

With all the news about Syria, I forgot, but was reminded by my friend Cindy, about the importance of what women in Saudi Arabia do.

Avec toutes les nouvelles de Syrie, j'avais oublié, mais mon amie, Cindy, m'a fait souvenir de l'importance de ce que font les femmes en Arabie Saoudite.

مع كل الاخبار عن سوريا, نسيت, و لاكن صديقتي سندي ذكّرتني عن اهمية ما تفعلون النساء في العربية السعودية

Saudi women defy ban on driving cars

Cindy* wrote:
Dozens of Saudi women drove cars in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and other Saudi cities June 17 to protest the ban on women driving.
It was the first major protest against the Saudi monarchy’s reactionary ban since November 1990, when 47 women drove 14 cars in a convoy on a Riyadh highway. That action came after U.S. women soldiers were stationed in Saudi Arabia prior to the start of the U.S. war against Iraq and freely drove military vehicles.

The 47 women were arrested, lost their passports for a year, and were fired from their jobs. A religious order prohibiting women from driving was handed down and quickly embraced by the Interior Ministry.

The ruling Saudi family, a close ally of Washington, has historically invoked Islamic law to justify tight restrictions on political space, not only for women but all working people in the kingdom.

Women are allowed to drive in some rural villages, where they have traditionally taken produce to market, hauled water, and transported people.

In addition to the prohibition on driving, Saudi women cannot vote. They require a male guardian’s permission to take a job or travel.

*July 4th issue of a US paper written in the interests of working people

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