
Cafe de Flore, Paris (citation de "A la manivelle," Charlie Hebdo 1182, 18mars 2015

The minister for the rights of women, who suggested that the veil not be worn in French universities, was criticised by a group of students on Face Book.   An "On the gear-stick," "A la manivelle," article by ....,  in Charlie Hebdo pointed out how the students stifle debate on the subject and concludes with this summary: (Arabic and English translation by 3011)

Debate on wearing the veil at universities, which are places of learning and not of belief, is indispensable.  For what we now know today, and which is verified each day by experience, is that the veil embodies much less a religious conviction than a political and societal agenda for which the consideration of its real measure is long overdue.

مناقشة لبس الحجاب في جامعة، مكان العلم و لا الايمان،من الضروري جداً. من ما نعرف اليوم، والذي يوضّهه كل يوم ، جدابالخبرة ان الحجاب هو يجسد اقل معنويا بالدين و لاكن اكثر معمويا بجدول سياسي واجتماعي الذي لا بد منا ان نفكر عن قياسه منذ زمان

...Débattre du port du voile a l'université, qui est lieu de savoir et non de croyance, est indispensable. Car ce que l'on sait aujourd'hui, ce qui est chaque jour verifiable par l'experience, c'est que le voile incarne moins une conviction religieuse qu'un agenda politique et sociétal dont il serait temps de prendre la veritable mesure...(A La Manivelle, Gérard Biard)

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