Yesterday, the New York times on line stopped hiding it's awful columnists behind "Times Select," for which you had to pay by subscription on the New York Times on line.
Even while Times Select was in force, eliminating our ability to read the intellectual fabrications of people like Thomas Friedman, the newspaper articles themselves were full of opinions and points of view. Now the New York times is almost completely an "opinion" piece.
For our own sanity, it is best to remember who the Times Select were, and continue to avoid reading them:
Maureen Dowd
Thomas Friedman
Nicholas Kristoff
Paul Krugman
Roger Cohen
We should now add Dick Cavett, and others who snuck onto "Times Select" while we could not read it.
It is interesting, too that the NYTimes wants you to read freely articles that gloss over the decline of the capitalist system into a depression, that began in 1987. You can read the New York Times' glowing coverage of capitalism between the 1987 stock market crash and today.
One good side of the New York Times decision is that you can access New York Times articles from 1851 to 1922. This was when Palestine was Palestine, before the Israeli colonial state was set up on Palestinian land in 1948. If you put in a date, during those periods, and a word, like Jaffa or Jerusalem, you can find some interesting articles on the old days of Palestine.
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