...a democratic secular Palesine, with the Palestinians back on their land, will naturally be also be a refuge for Jews persecuted by Anti-semitism in the crisis-torn capitalist world (The Militant Aug. 8, 2011).
Just thinking of how the Universities no longer have "anthologies" of foreign literature the way they used to, and how the great classics in History of the 60's and 70's have been replaced by a hodg podge of personal reminiscences of interviewby reporters.
Cafés de la Méditerranée...Mediterranean Coffee Shops...قهاوي البحر الإبيض المتوسط A journal in the style of The Tatler, 1709, by Steele Un journal dans le style de "The Tatler," 1709 par Steele 1709 مجلة في طرازالحكي
café de Flore, Paris Maqamat Al-Hamadhaniمقامات الهمذاني
I just posted this cd I bought from the BNF Richlieu of the manuscript of Hamadhani's Maqamat, which were literary discussions--like the Tatler, but in 9th century Baghdad. They are stories, but also a form of literary criticism took place at these discussions. The early orientalists like de Sacy had access to 15th century manuscripts in the Bibliothèque royale and much was done: Below is a story of talking animals that is from Hamadani's Maqamat which is in de Sacy's Chrestomathie, "anthology." I have pasted in the "Dog"(le chien) story and the reference to the manuscript here. (When I went to Paris, the librarian in the Arabic section used the catalogue to find the manuscript number and then, with that info, I went to BNF Richlieu--right on my favorite bus route from Montmartre, the 75, I think, and ordered the CD. If you want to study the whole manuscript, you can wait for the pdf to download from my university of Michigan server. MSS arabe, BNF # 3923
Below is a copy and paste of story 113 in the Google Books Scan of this old Bibliography of Stories: BIBLIOGRAPHIE DES OUVRAGES ARABES OU RELATIFS AUX ARABES PUBLIES DANS l'Europe chrétienne de 1810 à 1885, Victor Chavin, Professeur a l'Universite de LIEGE
in Google books at Link
As you can see, you have to know a little bit about French, since the google scan doesn't OCR French very well. For Manuscrits, they have some gobledegook. My manuscript seems to have been read quite early, at least before 1885 already by these great old orientalists. In the footnotes after the story of the dog, my manuscript is listed as Paris, 639, n" 3923
Hamadani needs further study as an exeplary form of literary criticism, as my colleague at Jeddah Teachers college told me, thus enspiring me to go to the BNF Richleu and ordering it.
113. — Le chien.
8. — Behmauer, 113.— Gibb, 119.
Le saint BAyazîd est mordu par un chien malade qu'il avait recueilli et soigné.
Comme il se plaint, l'animal, à qui Dieu donne un instant la parole, lui dit
que « l'homme agit comme un homme et le chien comme un chien. »
Animaux qui parlent. Nombres, XXII et suiv. Winer, Bibl. Realwôr-
terbuch, 3® édit., 1, 184. — BiKhart, Hicrozoïcon, 1692, 1, 191-198.— Damîri,
1, 228 et 327. — IMâm, 125. — Defrémery, Batoutah, 4, 415 (Journ. asial.,
1843, 1, 216.).— Man. Paris, 346, n^ i93i> 16 et 626, n** 3668, 4.— Man.
Berlin, 20, 23.
113.* — DK SACY, Chre>tomathie arabe. 1H27, tome 3.
C'J Voir aussi :
— Ikockelmanii. 1, 03-^5; <^*dit. Aniclang, 93.
— (îrassc, Lchrbuch, 2, 1, 1, 460.
— H. Halla, 6^ 54. n*' liyoH.
Te Slane, Ibn Khall., 1, 1 12-114.
— D'Ucrlx^loi. y^'^-y/j.
"DoSacy, n" I2(/*', V; n" i?i*^, IIl-IV.
- !)(' Sacv, Hinjy. Miihaud. v" Hamadâni.
— Hainmer, Litcraturgcsch., 5, 994-99^.
— Scliniirrc*r m* donne pas l'édition de Scheid, dont il y a un exemplaire à
la HiMiothètuie de Strasbourg : -iÎAèNû-i*i^Vci ^•./c^.iU. ('onsessus Ilamada-
nensis vul^o dicti Ik*di alzamaan (^.^L« J^ *.5.^? ' *î cckI. Ms. bibliothcae Iratns
siii ejusdenKjue typis arabicis edidit Jaeobus Sclieidius. S. 1. n. d. In-4. 16.
(Catalogue de Strastxmrg, 27.)
("es! la maqame Ae Dhidr.
M\Ni'S(Kn>. (Manuscrits)
— Paris, 639, n" 3923.
— Herlin, 19, 529, n" 3535, 441, S4-8S (la neuvième maqânn- ) et 514. 5.
— Leide, 1, 309, noie et 334-335*
— Hibl. Lindes., 14-15.
— Hrockelmann, 1, ^,^.
- o8 —
Donne les maqâmt;s suivantes : 3, 7, S, 12, 15 et 20. (Texte. 7«S-g4 ;
traduction, 243-258; notes, 25<)-272; additions, 537; errata, 5t)«S.)(^)
('. R. Chêzy, J. des savants, 1829, 409-470.
Below is a copy and paste of story 113 in the Google Books Scan of this old Bibliography of Stories: BIBLIOGRAPHIE DES OUVRAGES ARABES OU RELATIFS AUX ARABES PUBLIES DANS l'Europe chrétienne de 1810 à 1885, Victor Chavin, Professeur a l'Universite de LIEGE
in Google books at Link
As you can see, you have to know a little bit about French, since the google scan doesn't OCR French very well. For Manuscrits, they have some gobledegook. My manuscript seems to have been read quite early, at least before 1885 already by these great old orientalists. In the footnotes after the story of the dog, my manuscript is listed as Paris, 639, n" 3923
Hamadani needs further study as an exeplary form of literary criticism, as my colleague at Jeddah Teachers college told me, thus enspiring me to go to the BNF Richleu and ordering it.
113. — Le chien.
8. — Behmauer, 113.— Gibb, 119.
Le saint BAyazîd est mordu par un chien malade qu'il avait recueilli et soigné.
Comme il se plaint, l'animal, à qui Dieu donne un instant la parole, lui dit
que « l'homme agit comme un homme et le chien comme un chien. »
Animaux qui parlent. Nombres, XXII et suiv. Winer, Bibl. Realwôr-
terbuch, 3® édit., 1, 184. — BiKhart, Hicrozoïcon, 1692, 1, 191-198.— Damîri,
1, 228 et 327. — IMâm, 125. — Defrémery, Batoutah, 4, 415 (Journ. asial.,
1843, 1, 216.).— Man. Paris, 346, n^ i93i> 16 et 626, n** 3668, 4.— Man.
Berlin, 20, 23.
113.* — DK SACY, Chre>tomathie arabe. 1H27, tome 3.
C'J Voir aussi :
— Ikockelmanii. 1, 03-^5; <^*dit. Aniclang, 93.
— (îrassc, Lchrbuch, 2, 1, 1, 460.
— H. Halla, 6^ 54. n*' liyoH.
Te Slane, Ibn Khall., 1, 1 12-114.
— D'Ucrlx^loi. y^'^-y/j.
"DoSacy, n" I2(/*', V; n" i?i*^, IIl-IV.
- !)(' Sacv, Hinjy. Miihaud. v" Hamadâni.
— Hainmer, Litcraturgcsch., 5, 994-99^.
— Scliniirrc*r m* donne pas l'édition de Scheid, dont il y a un exemplaire à
la HiMiothètuie de Strasbourg : -iÎAèNû-i*i^Vci ^•./c^.iU. ('onsessus Ilamada-
nensis vul^o dicti Ik*di alzamaan (^.^L« J^ *.5.^? ' *î cckI. Ms. bibliothcae Iratns
siii ejusdenKjue typis arabicis edidit Jaeobus Sclieidius. S. 1. n. d. In-4. 16.
(Catalogue de Strastxmrg, 27.)
("es! la maqame Ae Dhidr.
M\Ni'S(Kn>. (Manuscrits)
— Paris, 639, n" 3923.
— Herlin, 19, 529, n" 3535, 441, S4-8S (la neuvième maqânn- ) et 514. 5.
— Leide, 1, 309, noie et 334-335*
— Hibl. Lindes., 14-15.
— Hrockelmann, 1, ^,^.
- o8 —
Donne les maqâmt;s suivantes : 3, 7, S, 12, 15 et 20. (Texte. 7«S-g4 ;
traduction, 243-258; notes, 25<)-272; additions, 537; errata, 5t)«S.)(^)
('. R. Chêzy, J. des savants, 1829, 409-470.
MacNamara Airport Terminal Ground Operations Coffee Machine, Detroit, Michigan ..Hama, Syria
People throughout Syria held night-time protests in solidarity with the people of Hama yesterday, July 6, since the Syrian army has dealt very severely with Hama after their July 1 demonstration of 1 and ½ million 150,000. Although the attack by the Syrian army cannot be condoned, it was rather hypocritical of the US Secretary of State, Clinton, to express concern, and continue to link these tactics of the Assad regime with something Syria had learned from Iran. She can get away with such hypocrisy since very little is known about how the US condoned and even fostered even worse repression in their support of the Shah against opposition to him throughout the many urban centers of Iran which were subject to hellicopter strafing and the infamous steel bed springs torture racks developed by the American Embassy for use of the dreaded SAVAK.
Macnamara Airport Ground Ops Coffee Machine...the financial crisis and the consequent assault on workers and farmers
Je sais que l'homme ou la femme moyen me dira que j'ai une haine virulante envers les états unis, mais ce n'est pas contre l'Amérique, mais plutot contre la classe dirigeante et leur pragmatisme. Eux, ils n'ont pas besoin de gagner. Pour eux ce n'est que "exister" qu'ils faut faire. Pour nous autres, il faut arracher le pourvoir de leur mains. C'est la crise des banques impérialistes qui provoque la reaction brutale de Assad en Syrie, et des colonels de l'Egypte et de la Lybie. C'est le capitalisme -- ce système qui n'a qu'a détruire comme il peut pour survivre. C'est pour cela qu'il y a ces tueries en Syrie.
Il n'y a qu'une prise de pouvoir aux états unis par la classe ouvrière, prise de pouvoir par une direction révolutionnaire de masse qui n'hésitera pas à prendre le pourvoir des captialistes, qui pourra arreter ce systeme inexorable du capitalisme mondial, qui est l'imperialisme. Et pauvre moi, qui avait meme "un peu peur" quand mes étudiants sont allés "en masse" me dit-on, au doyen pour se plaindre du fait que je n'avais pas enseigné 002, avec les nouvelles bouquins, avant. Et voila que je parle des "masses" maintenant apres avoir récouperé un peu après la semestre scholaire, et avoir re-lu "Capitalism's Long Hot Winter Has Begun."pdf de 2004.
Il n'y a qu'une prise de pouvoir aux états unis par la classe ouvrière, prise de pouvoir par une direction révolutionnaire de masse qui n'hésitera pas à prendre le pourvoir des captialistes, qui pourra arreter ce systeme inexorable du capitalisme mondial, qui est l'imperialisme. Et pauvre moi, qui avait meme "un peu peur" quand mes étudiants sont allés "en masse" me dit-on, au doyen pour se plaindre du fait que je n'avais pas enseigné 002, avec les nouvelles bouquins, avant. Et voila que je parle des "masses" maintenant apres avoir récouperé un peu après la semestre scholaire, et avoir re-lu "Capitalism's Long Hot Winter Has Begun."pdf de 2004.
from my appartment ...on Syria
Watched a BBC report by Sue Lloyd-Roberts on the big demonstrations in Syria. It gives an unusual glimpse to the west of what I see all the time on Al-Arabiyya. She shows how the activists get out the pictures.
Women are fleeing to Lebanon so as not to get raped by the regime's soldiers. And soldiers have to flee to Lebanon in order to avoid being killed for not enforcing orders to shoot. Friday of "Get out" jum'a al-rahal today some of the largest demonstrations ever.
Women are fleeing to Lebanon so as not to get raped by the regime's soldiers. And soldiers have to flee to Lebanon in order to avoid being killed for not enforcing orders to shoot. Friday of "Get out" jum'a al-rahal today some of the largest demonstrations ever.
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