
MacNamara Airport Terminal Ground Operations Coffee Machine, Detroit, Michigan ..Hama, Syria

People throughout Syria held night-time protests in solidarity with the people of Hama yesterday, July 6, since the Syrian army has dealt very severely with Hama after their July 1 demonstration of 1 and ½ million 150,000. Although the attack by the Syrian army cannot be condoned, it was rather hypocritical of the US Secretary of State, Clinton, to express concern, and continue to link these tactics of the Assad regime with something Syria had learned from Iran. She can get away with such hypocrisy since very little is known about how the US condoned and even fostered even worse repression in their support of the Shah against opposition to him throughout the many urban centers of Iran which were subject to hellicopter strafing and the infamous steel bed springs torture racks developed by the American Embassy for use of the dreaded SAVAK.

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